
The Node is a fundamental component of DWService. In fact it allows the connection between the user and the agent. When the agent connects to the DWService infrastructure, it is redirected to the nearest node or to a less loaded Node. In the same way when a user connects to the agent it is redirected to the Node where the agent is connected. To allow users to have a stable and fast session it is necessary that their agents are connected to neighboring and performing Nodes.
Currently the active Nodes are:


You can contribute by providing a server where we will install a Node. Since we want to guarantee a high level service, we prefer to have a few Nodes but with superior characteristics. Each Node adds load to the infrastructure which continuously monitors the health of the Nodes. This allows us to have a service always available and to solve problems quickly.
The minimum requirements of the server are:
  • Server located within a Web Farm
  • At least 8 core of 2GHz
  • At least 16GB of RAM
  • At least 30GB of HD
  • One public IP Address
  • Bandwidth of at least 256Mbps
  • Unmetered data traffic
  • No Geo-IP restriction
  • Operating system Linux 64 bit
Since many users use DWService, we apply some limitations to the service such as limiting the bandwidth for each session. Your help is crucial in reducing or eliminating these limitations. If you want to provide us with a server, contact us at We offer for the account that helps us a maximum bandwidth of 20Mbps (on best effort basis).